Sunday, August 28, 2011

symptomatic ecstatic

I have been reading symptoms related to gall disease, irritable bowel syndrome, pancreatic disease, ulcers, and many other disease and never found any that nailed my symptoms or explained what could possibly be going on in my body... until now. offers a list of symptoms that explain a lot that I have been experiencing that aren't found elsewhere.

Again... more self-deprecation.

-abdominal pain
-hemorrhoids (for a month!!! It was so bad I was on a prescription)
-Burning Stomach (doctors could never explain why my stomach burned, it wasn't symptomatic of anything they knew of)
-itch skin/rashes
-itchy nose (this has been a symptom that I've never brought up but is very prevalent and I could never explain! As with the following symptom)
-unclear vision (I have suffered this from a young age, every once in a while--once a day or more--my vision will go unclear for a minute or two, like there is something on the surface of my eye, and then go away)
-allergies (never used to have those and have started carrying Benadryl on me this year because of reactions)
-hair loss
-disturbed sleep
-weight gain/loss (down 20, up 25, down 10, up 5.... in one year. I'm ready to stabilize.)
-muscle cramping
-numbness in hands
-pain in navel
-water retention (I'll drink tons and nothing will come out!)
-candida (never had that before this year)
-poor immune response (I can catch any and everything...try me)

A lot of unexplained symptoms were revealed when reading through this list, so I'm excited to see if the DE can clear these things up.

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