Wednesday, August 24, 2011


...have quite possibly been my least favourite part of this quest for health.

Mood music for the post:

This is a picture of the few remedies doctors have prescribed:

There were three other prescriptions as well, but I completed those so they are not included in this picture. Side effects included - drowsiness, blurred vision, light headedness, increased diarrhoea, SUPER cottonmouth, and increased acid reflux. The tums were probably the most benign. The doctors never did find anything to treat the pain, nor could I find anything. I would resort to a "rice baby"--a pillowcase filled with rice and piping so hot that it would draw attention away from a burning stomach and toward my burning skin.

Oh right, there was that one time when the doctor told me to go have a giant fatty fast food meal to see if it was gallbladder (I NEVER eat fast food), so I went to Sonic and spent two days in the bathroom and in bed. However because the reaction was delayed he said it ruled out gall disease.

Ah yes, then my dear concerned father wanted to test that even further by having me drink apple cider vinegar. If there is on thing that I know for sure hurts my stomach it is vinegar. But like a trusting child, I drank the bitter cup. And bitter pain ensued. I was in bed/bathroom for another two days.

I ruled out food allergies by going on a chicken broth diet for a week and then slowly introduced foods again. That was ruled out when cream cheese sent me into an attack one day then didn't even phase me four days later.

In a last grasp at having any normalcy in my life (before abandoning my lifestyle to move home and focus on my health) I tried a Pepto Bismal diet (another one of Dad's remedies.) Four bottles. Three days. And looooooads of Greek Yogurt. It was three days of constipation and then a day of Death Diarrhea. Surprisingly it was not black as it is supposed to be. And it was not the cure.

Gratefully, this illness sent me in for a colonoscopy. At my age (27) it's very rare to find anything, however mid-procedure I awoke from the sedation at the EXACT moment that they found a polyp and removed it for testing. They knocked me out again because I may have muttered something along the lines of, "victory is mine!" to tip them off that I had woken up. I was so heavily sedated that I slept for two days. Later results returned to tell me that the polyp was pre-cancerous. At my age that's a big deal and wouldn't have been found until I was probably 50 and had my first colonoscopy, at which point it may have been too late. So... good gain was made from a little pain.

On a recent trip to Utah the pain was so bad that I had to see someone. Referred to a miracle worker, Iris Cox, that practices holistic medicine, it was in a brief hour and a half with her that she was able to identify my problem as none other than the life sucking, unwelcomed squatters... PARASITES.


After some research my family, along with myself, are trying a remedy called Diatomeceous Earth. It is fossil shell flour that is basically like a bunch of microscopic shards of glass that when eaten by the parasites fillets them and then takes out the trash. Testimonials have said that it clears up symptoms related to parasites, fungi, arthritis, fibromialgia, and even for some cancer! (My colon likes the sounds of that.)

So, appropriately titled, say "Hello," and hopefully, "Goodbye," to my little friends. The following posts will be a catalogue of my DE treatment.

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