Tuesday, September 27, 2011

too weaks

There is a moderate excuse for not updating, I was in bed for about a week. Yuck. Pain and sickness galore. Needless to say the "dirt" is not really doing anything I can perceive as of yet. So last week I started another treatment out of desperation. It has a money back guarantee, that's gotta mean something, right? This week has been AMAZING. I only had diarrhea once this week. Mind you, I haven't really gone to the bathroom much this week (3x, yikes!) but maybe it will regulate itself and I can get back to being a normal girl soon.

I'm not drinking enough water, which, with the new treatment is a big no-no. Consequently I had the strangest and most painful kidney pain this week! I have never felt my kidneys pain before, but man alive they hurt! I combated by drinking more water and the kidneys have chilled. Gratefully. Sleeping was impossible with them throbbing.

Still no sign of the friends. However, tomorrow I go to get my endoscopy....finally! Stay tuned for results!

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