Tuesday, September 27, 2011

too weaks

There is a moderate excuse for not updating, I was in bed for about a week. Yuck. Pain and sickness galore. Needless to say the "dirt" is not really doing anything I can perceive as of yet. So last week I started another treatment out of desperation. It has a money back guarantee, that's gotta mean something, right? This week has been AMAZING. I only had diarrhea once this week. Mind you, I haven't really gone to the bathroom much this week (3x, yikes!) but maybe it will regulate itself and I can get back to being a normal girl soon.

I'm not drinking enough water, which, with the new treatment is a big no-no. Consequently I had the strangest and most painful kidney pain this week! I have never felt my kidneys pain before, but man alive they hurt! I combated by drinking more water and the kidneys have chilled. Gratefully. Sleeping was impossible with them throbbing.

Still no sign of the friends. However, tomorrow I go to get my endoscopy....finally! Stay tuned for results!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

A Week in Review

Sorry, it's been a minute. This week was, again, good/bad. I'd say about 4 days diarrhea free (MIRACLE!!! ) I have not had the pleasure of that in about five months. The diarrhea is back though, about twice a day and not confined to the morning time anymore. The past four days have been terrible stomach pain. Two of which were spent in bed, and another day curled up in a chair. The pain is not burning pain as much as it is sharp piercing pain.

Still no sign of my friends.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Good news/Bad news?

Good news! It's been two days since I've had diarrhea!! Bad news is... I haven't gone to the bathroom in two days. Yesterday I had mild stomach pain. I have to say the pain has been much milder in the past week. Aaaaand... I finally got an upper scope scheduled. Ahhh yeah!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Day I've Lost Count

Okay, so I'm taking a large heaping teaspoon every night before bed. Still no difference. I can say my stomach has been feeling a little better these last two days, minor pain (4-5/10) each morn and night. Diarrhea is still Die Hard. No friends in sight yet.